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Free Heel Pain appointments on 4th March 2019


Googlge being asked what plantar fasciitis is
Hey Google, what is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis? Podiatrists can heal your heels.

To celebrate the national #PodsHealHeels campaign we are holding an open evening on Monday 4th March, starting at 5pm and ending 8pm.

The aim of the evening is to provide you with information about heel pain including; how it is caused, how to treat it and how to prevent it returning. We promise to give you better information than Dr Google.

infographic showing different causes of heel pain
Did you know, not all heel pain is plantar fasciitis?

As all injuries are unique to the individual we will also be providing FREE 15 minute consultations with Andrew our MSK and Sports Injury specialist.

You are more than welcome to turn up on the night, there will be tea, coffee and cake available. If you would like a free consultation we strongly advise you to book in advance.

Unfortunately we cannot provide online booking for this event but you can book your space via Facebook Messenger or call 01260 408514.

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